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Writer's pictureChris Gordon

More than a feeling... that's how we FIT

FIT is an acronym we use to describe the unique style of our fitness classes, Focused Interval Training. Each workout is interval-based and comprised of a cardio element, at least one bodyweight movement and generally, at least one form of moderate strength training using dumbbells, kettle bells, medicine balls or slam balls. The intent behind our concept is that with the use of appropriate work to rest ratios a healthier dose of intensity can be delivered to maximize results. Using this approach the likelihood of seeing improvement in cardio, stamina and endurance, as well as decreased body fat and increased lean muscle can be experienced. At the end of the day our goal is:

  • To burn more calories quickly and in a shorter period of time

  • Continue burning calories up to 24 hours post workout

  • Implement good nutrition to help reduce body fat

  • Improve heart health and muscle mass

  • Improve delivery and consumption of oxygen

  • Reduce resting heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels

Because each of our FIT workouts is focused in a specified area, a different training zone, and seeks a different stimulus the body will constantly be looking for new ways to adapt; therefore, providing protection from plateaus. For example, during BUILD days we look to increase work and power output as the workout progresses; while a BURN day is designed to get your heart rate up and keep it elevated for the duration of time working. Both styles, BUILD & BURN, are interval-based using work to rest ratios allowing for recovery in order to keep intensity high during the work period. In our experience we have found that an “all out, all the time” approach can lead to burn-out or injury and that it is important to work and move for extended periods of time with minimal rest. This is where our PACE workouts come into play. Moving and working at light to moderate intensity can delay fatigue, boost endurance, and help the body become more efficient in using fat and carbohydrates as fuel.

The question is, how does one learn to understand what light, moderate and high intensity, is and should feel like? What we feel is subjective, but we can associate a number, such as heart rate, to how we feel and now we have an objective measurement. This is nothing new as heart rate tracking is the most tried and true method to measure exercise intensity. Many people already possess wearable tech that does this along with all the other things for them. For those who do not use a device, being aware and understanding how to monitor heart rate, as well as being familiar with heart rate training zones can help one get the most out of each workout. The over-arching theme and intent is to provide an objective framework with a target, while also providing direction of how to get there. So, how is that exactly?

First we need to know what our max heart rate is. For our purposes we will simply take 220 minus our age to find this. Using this number we can then determine what level of exercise intensity we are working at, what we are shooting for based upon the style, and where we are at in the workout. Below are the five training zones, their descriptions with percentages of max HR, and the various stages these may be seen during one of our FIT classes.

Ultimately, the goal is to provide a sustainable way to do fitness for the long-haul; to train smarter, not harder.

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